Dangers of Social Media

Join us for the launch of Ian MacRae’s “Dark Social, Understanding the Darker Side of Work, Personality and Social Media”, March 2022. Stay tuned for more details closer to the date.

I’ve been fascinated by this brilliant and timely book that I’ve been lucky enough to read in advance of the Canadian release. Here’s a quick overview of some of the topics.

From Donald Trump's outrageous tweets to the impact of the GRU (Russia's military intelligence agency) on foreign elections, through to echo chambers and amplification by bots and networks--the negative side of social media is becoming ever more apparent. Now far removed from a comfortable landscape of cat videos and family pictures, social media is now open to exploitation from a range of sources, from disgruntled employees to 'fake news'.

The negative impact of social media upon the workplace can have damaging consequences for businesses. Reputations can be ruined overnight, employees can manipulate social media feeds to their own advantage, and the boundaries between professional and personal social media conduct can become dangerously blurred.

Heather StewartComment