integrity, respect, innovation, collaboration

We have a framework guiding all of our work, our relationships with clients, research participants, organizations and individuals. Our code of ethics is as follows:



We are honest about representing ourself and our work. We accurately and honestly represent our experience, qualifications, capacity and affiliations. We demonstrate the highest levels of integrity in presenting our research results, findings and feedback. We are also direct, honest and transparent about the costs of our services and any associated costs that may be incurred. We deliver services promised (and beyond) within specified budgets.

We remain aware and transparent about multiple roles and relationships, potential conflicts of interest and disclose sufficient and appropriate information about our various roles, responsibilities and associations. We respect all those with whom we work and do not exploit personal or professional relationships for personal or financial gain.

We recognize that conflicts of interest and imbalances of power or influence may still exist after professional relationships are formally terminated, and that professional obligations and appropriate conduct still apply. When in doubt, we ask questions, share information and are honest.


We respect the needs and requirements of our clients, as well as all those we work with or encounter in our work. This includes respect for individual, cultural, and role differences of all that with whom we work. We respect the unique insights, abilities and knowledge of our clients and others that we work with and members of the general public. We are willing to fully and honestly explain the reasons for our ethical decision making, as well as expected or past results of making particular decisions.

We respect the confidentiality of those with whom we work, safeguard information and only share information with those with whom we have the authority to provide information. We respect the information we obtain from research participants, as well as the spirit and intent of their responses: we respect our research participants so we represent them accurately as we understand them; and respect our clients and provide the information as honestly and clearly as possible. Sound ethical decision-making requires accurately presented information.


In the words of Robbie Burns, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, Gang aft agley”, which illustrates that even the best plans may need to change and adapt to circumstances. We will find ways to meet the client’s objectives and requirements by finding innovative methods to achieve results, with the knowledge and support of the client, and through advising the client the of barriers, challenges and options.

We make use of available tools, technology and good ideas to reduce our costs, provide access, minimize the environmental impact of our work and come up with better solutions.


We blend our ability to work independently on agreed upon work plans, with frequent communication with our clients who are engaged in and collaborate for the final results. We ensure that both the research and evaluative processes, and the final reports involve frequent discussions, and if required, collaborative decision-making.


We are aware of the level of competence required to conduct our work, keep up-to-date with research, techniques and knowledge in our field. We conduct work for which we are qualified, and strive to provide the best possible result for clients. When necessary we seek appropriate advice from relevant experts or authorities. We recognize, in many cases, our clients are subject matter experts: we respect and value their input.

Responsibility and Accountability

We consider research from all perspectives, and consider our responsibilities and accountabilities to our clients, to research participants and to the implications of research outcomes. In areas that affect large groups such as organizations, sectors and regions we will make every reasonable effort to ensure research results are an appropriate representation of the group under study.

We do not coerce or unduly influence participants to take part in research. Any rewards or benefits offered in compensation are commensurate to the level of participation required and do not force upon participants any personal or professional risks they would not already face in their everyday life.